Advent Study (2 of 2) - At Home with God

Advent Study (2 of 2) - At Home with God

Advent. A time when we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, God incarnate, born into the world to save His people from their sins. And look forward to His future return in glory when we shall enjoy the fullness of His of presence, at home with Him, forevermore.

Join us we conclude our 2-part Advent study - At Home with God. We began by looking back at God's faithfulness to redeem us, to bring us to Himself, and conclude the study by looking forward to the glorious inheritance that awaits us at Christ's return, and how we are to live as those who eagerly await that day.

Advent Study (1 of 2) - At Home with God

Advent Study (1 of 2) - At Home with God

Advent. A time when we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, God incarnate, born into the world to save His people from their sins. And also look forward to His future return in glory when we shall enjoy the fullness of His of presence, at home with Him, forevermore.

Join us we begin our 2-part Advent study - At Home with God, in which we begin by looking back at God's faithfulness to redeem us, to bring us to Himself, and then look forward to the glorious inheritance that awaits us at Christ's return, and how we are to live as those who eagerly await that day.

Stories Jesus Told: A Tale of Two Builders

Stories Jesus Told: A Tale of Two Builders

Jesus was a master storyteller. He used everyday situations and familiar ideas to teach deeper truths about Himself, about His Father and what it meant to live in the Kingdom of God. These stories, known as parables, each had contained within them truth that Jesus wanted those who were genuinely seeking Him to be able to understand, and which often exposed the heart of those who were only listening in order to criticise and condemn.

In this study we conclude our monthly Lightning Study Series - 'Stories Jesus Told' in which we have been exploring further some of Jesus's parables.